animation still from the series Synaptic Dopes

animation still from the series Tickets to Coordinate
intermedial uplift
dedicated to heart intelligence and global solidarity

animation still from Crossing the Alps

animation still from the series Skins of Life and part of Exhibition for Birds
A song as a stage for visual arts, an exhibition as a music video: Three Austrian artists create a new dimension of intermedial exploration through the interaction of their creative resources. Crossing the Alps in a flying udder as a performative expedition sets a widely visible sign and marks the genesis of new perspectives. A tender voice out of the soul evokes intuitive bridges to higher spheres. Soundscapes and shapes intrinsically merge into an essence of perception: With irresistible ease, transformation spreads its wings and glides on the WINGS OF CHANGE into the alteration of the present.
Ein Song wird zur Bühne bildender Kunst, eine Ausstellung zu einem Musikvideo: Drei österreichische Künstlerinnen schaffen im Zusammenspiel ihrer kreativen Ressourcen eine neue Dimension der intermedialen Auseinandersetzung. Da werden die Alpen in einem fliegenden Euter überquert – eine performative Expedition, die ein weithin sichtbares Zeichen der Geburt neuer Perspektiven setzt. Eine feine Seelenstimme beschwört intuitive Brücken zu höheren Sphären. Klangwelten und Formen verschmelzen intrinsisch zu einer Essenz der Wahrnehmung: Mit unwiderstehlicher Leichtigkeit breitet die Veränderung ihre Flügel aus und gleitet auf den WINGS OF CHANGE in die Transformation der Gegenwart.

from the series Rooftop Conversations

from the series Udder Gremlins and Celestial Bodies

from Skygarden
sound, lyrics, vocals by Elena Shirin
making up by Lilian Peschek
directed by Barbara Anna Husar

Wings of Change-Team: Barbara Anna Husar, Lilian Peschek, Elena Shirin

from the series Celestial Bodies
Soundscapes and shapes intrinsically merge into an essence of perception
With irresistible ease, transformation spreads its wings and glides on the WINGS OF CHANGE into the alteration of the present.

from the Series Notre Dame

from the series Celestial Bodies