(Romanshorner Luftspiele)
Lake of Constance | Ch

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TRIPTYCH FOR PEACE OVER the largest drinking water reservoir in europe

Photos: Thurgauer Zeitung/Andrea Stalder
The social sculpture FLYING UDDER – the pink, 35-metre-high hot-air balloon in the shape of a cow's udder with a gold-plated balloon basket as a stage for the multi-sensual concert event – communicated MILKYWAYS OF PEACE over the largest drinking water reservoir in Europe. With the hot-air balloon above the ship triptych, a completely new constellation was inscribed in seafaring and the history of the stage.
Die soziale Skulptur EUTER – der rosafarbene 35 Meter hohe Heißluftballon in Form eines Kuheuters mit einem vergoldeten Ballonkorb als Bühne für das multisensuale Konzertereignis – kommunizierte MILKYWAYS OF PEACE über dem größten Trinkwasser-Reservoir Europas. Mit dem Heißluftballon über dem Schiffs-Triptychon hat sich eine völlig neue Konstellation in die Seefahrt und die Geschichte der Bühnen eingeschrieben.

Photo: Elmar Bertsch
a magical triad of tradition, new interpretation and environmental awareness through interaction with the forces of nature

Stretching the stage: Ronja Svaneborgh
RITUAL ECHOES by Ronja Svaneborgh for 9 alphorns and one voice
RITUAL ECHOES by Ronja Svaneborgh | Romanshorn Air Festival, Romanshorner Luftspiele, Video: Elmar Bertsch
Sharing water - Spring water collection around Europe's triple watersheds

SHARING WATER brought twelve spring water samples on board of the three ships - spring water from three rivers, streams and their affluents, which originate at these triple watersheds and flow into different directions and seas. The guests had the opportunity to get closer to the rivers through finely sprayed spring water samples and to experience the reach – flowing through and feeding the topographical, ecological and cultural dimensions of Europe – and the dynamics of these lifelines. Photo: Elmar Bertsch

Women´s Museum Hittisau : Act locally, think globally, strengthen inclusion and participation

”We work as resource-efficiently as possible. Reuse, recycle, reuse – that has always been our attitude. We are not an ivory tower. We are part of the greater whole and we think and act as such – because there is no planet B,” Stefania Pitscheider Soraperra, Director, Women´s Museum | Photo: Elmar Bertsch | download the NAVIGATION.pdf (german only)
Performative expedition to the birth of new perspectives
Video: Michael Haefner | Luftbildservice Bodensee
With the ROMANSHORN AIR FESTIVAL in cooperation with Schweizerische Bodensee-Schifffahrt AG and Historische Schifffahrt Bodensee GmbH, Barbara Anna Husar creates new impetus for our being and perspectives on interdimensional communication.
unified field

FINAL SYNCHRONISATION | Photo: Liriel von Rockraven