THE ZEW, photo: Pia Reschberger
19th of August 2021, 7 pm / boarding starts 6 pm only if the weather is fine !
Ship without Sea: Lützowgasse 14, Ebene 8, 1140 Vienna
3G check on deck and 10 Euros plus are welcome for the musicians !
Celebrate the violet hour of instantanous Presence with us. Take care of each other and Corona, we might see some shooting stars together !

Vibrate higher, spread art sparks and stay tuned !
Due to the waves of social distancing our team is breeding on new artistic gateways to arouse you with savety and lightning.
our featured artists so far
Elena Shirin | A ............. Hund | D.............
............. Quixosis | ECU .............
Mehdi Aminian and Pouyan Kheradmand | IRN
............. Scharmien Zandi | A .............
AMSEL | A ............. Moneka Group | IQ ............
With the lightning concerts Barbara Anna Husar creates a field of experimentation for qualities and effects of social instantaneousness in the form of short-term announced concerts. The concert series is the continuation of a long-term project (Data Exchange), which begins in the Sinai desert with the acquisition of a flock of goats and its previous highlight found in a hammock, made of the umbilical cords of newborn desert goats (Cradle of Estuary). With the figure of lightning, the artist approaches again the leitmotif of her project, the flow of information.
Mit den Blitzkonzerten schafft Barbara Anna Husar ein Experimentierfeld für Qualitäten und Effekte sozialer Augenblicklichkeit in Form von kurzfristig angekündigten Konzerten.Die Konzertreihe ist die Weiterführung eines Langzeitprojekts (Data Exchange),das in der Wüste Sinai mit dem Erwerb einer Ziegenherde ansetzt und seinen bisherigen Höhepunkt in einer Hängematte, geknüpft aus den Nabelschnüren neugeborener Wüstenziegen, fand (Cradle of Estuary).
Mit der Figur des Blitzes nähert sich die Künstlerin erneut an das Leitmotiv ihres Projekts, dem Fließen von Informationen, an.

Cocreated with Reinhard Mader, supported by
szenario.design and 1bm

Lightning concert 01: Elena Shirin | photo: Michael Winkelmann

Lightning concert 01: Elena Shirin | photo: Michael Winkelmann

Lightning concert 02: Hund | photo: Franz Wostry

Lightning concert 03: Quixosis | photo: Reinhard Mader

Lightning Concert 04: Mehdi Aminian and Pouyan Kheradmand | photo: Elmar Bertsch
Lightning Concert 5, Scharmien Zandi delighted us with a Lightning Concert Expedition from the Bellyroom up to the Flagpole of the Ship without Sea.
Lightning Concert 6 by AMSEL

Lightning Concert 7 by Moneka Group

June 2022